Friday, March 24, 2023

Crack Passsword Protected PDF File.


My friend just ask me how to crack her own PDF payslip file, the PDF file is protected with 4 digits numerical password, so here is the manual using the famous John The Ripper bruteforce method :

1. Locate John library.

$ locate john
$ cd /usr/share/john

2. Convert PDF file to John hash file.    

$ /usr/share/john/ 23000271.PDF > 23000271.hash

3. Start bruteforcing the 4 digit numerical password.

$ john --mask=?1?1?1?1 -1=[0-9] 23000271.hash
Using default input encoding: UTF-8
Loaded 1 password hash (PDF [MD5 SHA2 RC4/AES 32/64])
Cost 1 (revision) is 3 for all loaded hashes
Will run 8 OpenMP threads
Press 'q' or Ctrl-C to abort, almost any other key for status
9111             (/home/spikecursed/23000271.PDF)
1g 0:00:00:00 DONE (2023-03-24 11:15) 50.00g/s 140800p/s 140800c/s 140800C/s 0652..5182
Use the "--show --format=PDF" options to display all of the cracked passwords reliably
Session completed.

4. It's only take a blink of second to crack, what lesson we learn ? always use strong password combination, thats all.

Baarakallahu fiikum.

Anti FOMO Club

 ﷽ Kajian Kak Yogi. Parenting Bandung ISlamic Club. (BiSC) Apakah benar apabila seorang ayah tidak memiliki peran yang besar dalam pendidika...