Thursday, September 12, 2019

CTF Machine - Bob

Machine :
Duration : 3 x 60 Minutes (approximately)

Meet Bob ...

1. Preparation :

Check my own IP.

Discover neighbours IP.

fping -a -g

netdiscover -r

2. Enumeration :

nmap -sS -nvv -A -p22-10000

We got some interesting information : /dev_shell.php & /passwords.html, let's dig deeper with dirb

next, curl it

Browse the main page

Lets jump to
seems like someone already mess their server :)
shall we go with basic command checking : whoami

Only basic account www-data anyway, it's ok ... we go deeper to /etc/passwd
cat /etc/passwd

Nop ... but wait, what if we use pipe to run output for the second command ? lets try it ...
whoami | cat /etc/passwd

yess, it's a bliss .... we can identify some user from the passwd file ;
c0rruptedb1t : c0rruptedb1t
Bob : bob
James C : jc
Sebastian W : seb
Elliot A : elliot

let's check the home directory :

whoami | ls ../../../home/

confirmed is bob & friends ... now we check every last of their directory,  perhaps we can find some gems there, we start from bottom to top, elliot go first ...
found fishy file : theadminisdumb.txt , let's cat it ...
so far we already got the following credential information :
james : jc:Qwerty
elliot : elliot:theadminisdumb

yiihaa ... we might found some low level access, lets try it ...
ssh connection is denied, back to previous nmap result we did not find any ssh service, seems like ssh service is not active or they might already changed the ssh port.
sshd is active, but why we are unable to connect ? lets check the sshd_config
ok, no wonder we can't connect ... default port are changed from 22 to 25468
retrying ssh ...
we got low level access shell, it's good enough .... shall we left the webshell ?

3. Escalation :

Lets see what we have here ...
can we have root privilege with sudo ?
... nop ... sorry ... let's wandering arround the home directory ... isn't Bob is the Sysadmin ?
perhaps he have something that we looking for ...
got some insteresting file, also gpg'ed file ... well check it later.
let's go deeper ...
found a bash script : , try to run it ./
meaningless ... fallback to previous file
vi /home/bob/Documents/staff.txt
something is burning ...
trying to find root executables ...
find / -user root -perm -4000 -print 2>/dev/null
... nop ... no find , no vi, no cat to use .... to perform escalation ....
ok ... lets carefuly step back to Bob's home dir, and look for hidden file ?
cd /home/bob ; ls -alh
what inside .old_passwordfile.html ?
more .old_passwordfile.html
oooh ... ok, it's James and Sebastian password, let's try them ...
valid password, but it's just another low level shell access, do we miss something ?
login.txt.gpg ... we need to open this
back to /home/bob/Documents/Secret/Keep_Out/Not_Porn/No_Lookie_In_Here/
sh /home/bob/Documents/Secret/Keep_Out/Not_Porn/No_Lookie_In_Here/
the script contain some promising keyword, let's use them to open the pgp'ed file
first ... copying gpg login.txt.gpg to elliot homedir
cd /home/elliot/
cp home/bob/Documents/login.txt.gpg .
then ... let's try to decrypt it ...
gpg -dv login.txt.gpg
trying the possible passphrase combination :
finally ...
found another credential
use it ...
escalate it ...
sudo su ; whoami
looking for the flag ...
cd /root/ ; ls -alh
check root's bash history
cat .bash_history
here is the flag ...
let's find flag.txt

find / -name flag.txt -exec cat {} \;

Finish ...

Thank you and Greets ~c0rruptedb1t

1 comment:

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